Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day

Everytime my Dad says it's time for an adventure there is some moaning and groaning, but it also always turns out to be fun. This time Dad decided it had been too long since we'd gone canoeing. We were planning on going all the way to Shoshone falls but I hadn't been feeling well so we took a shorter trip and had canoeing and lunch by Lucky Peak.

Like I said I was not feeling it that morning. After senior party going until 5 a.m. And having to sing in church and work in the nursery at 9 a.m. my body was still trying to recover. 

Lisa and Dad took the first run. 

Then Mom, Carrie and I went out. Notice that I got the job of sitting there and not being too sassy;) 

Off we went!

I'm not afraid to be hideous.

Lunch was delicious. We sat around and talked about how much better food tastes when you're outside.  Then later that evening.....

My sunglasses made an appearance but you were only allowed to wear them if you did your rocker face! (Apparently headbanging was essential as well)

He already knows how to photobomb:)

I felt pretty cool. 

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