Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Concussions and proposals Jan. 5, 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

It's been a weird week. A really really weird week. Lets just begin with a picture.
It was a foggy, Friday night on Galveston island, and as always, we were biking. We had our lights on and were singing because it had been a really really awesome day. We were biking home pretty fast because it had been raining so it was pretty chilly when out of nowhere, someone opens their car door. A truck car door. And my face made contact with it followed by the right side of my body. 

The next day I was kind of sore, but it wasn't too bad. I had a bruise across my cheekbone but I was still ready to roll. By Sunday morning I was dizzy and had a headache, and so they made me go get a cat scan haha. Turns out I probably have a mild concussion. Good job Hermana Ries. You ran into a parked car and bruised your brain. 

I also got proposed to this week. We were biking by and I always see this one guy outside so we decided to finally talk to him. We got talking and invited him to church. He then paused and said "I'll go to church if you marry me." I replied "No can do." But I told him that missionaries can come visit him sometime (he speaks English so we wouldn't teach him) and he said "well you can come over (looking at me)." And this point I was like "Um well okay. Have a nice day!" And as I left he was like "You think about it! I'll be thinking about you!" 

Like I said. Weird week. 

Other than that things have been so good! Ramon is getting ready for his baptism this Saturday at 5:30 please keep him in your prayers!
This week when we had a lesson with him we asked him what he thought about Joseph Smith and if he'd prayed about him. And he said (in Spanish) "I don't know. I just feel like, in my heart, he was a servant of God." The Spirit was so strong. He is so awesome! 

Our investigator Arcenio just accepted to be baptized on the 31st of January. Please pray that he can come to church this Sunday!! 

All is well in Galveston and we are seeing huge miracles all the time! These are the other Sisters that we live with. They are the English Sisters and I pretty much adore them. 
(Hermana Allen, me, Sister Kaiser, Sister Pichardo)

I know that angels accompany us. I know, with a surety, that God has a plan for all of us. We are His children, and He only puts us through trials that will help us. I know that even when it feels like He isn't listening, He is. Things will work out. There is always hope. I know God has not ceased to be a God of Miracles. 

-Hermana Ries

p.s. you should all watch this video because it is one of my very favorites. https://www.lds.org/pages/mormon-messages?lang=eng#wrong-roads

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