Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been a week of miracles! I think that we are surrounded by so many more miracles than we even realize. This week my "ponderizing" scripture was :
And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceas ed to be a God of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaset h not to be God,and is a God o f miracles.
As I pondered on this scripture I had a lot of different thoughts. And I learned a lot. I want to share some of the small miracles from this week:
Last week we found a sweet older lady who was in need of some service. She asked us to trim her trees. When we arrived, she told us she had no tools. Not even a pair of scissors. My companion (she is awesome) said "no problem!" And we began working with our hands... This was no small task. After working for about an hour and both of us feeling exhausted with little progress, a truck with a trailer pulled up. It was a couple of hispanic men who were doing yard work for the school across the street. Without saying anything, they walked up and handed us a pair of clippers. The work was quickly finished and we were able to share a copy of the Book of Mormon for these yard working friends of ours.
Sometimes miracles are small things too. Like randomly this week one of the members texted us and expressed her love for us. This is one of the texts she sent:
Notice that the little picture next to me is a white girl and my companion is a Hispanic hahaha. She thought it was hilarious.
Another sweet miracle this week was that one of our friends Luis came to church! He has been inactive for several years. But we have been visiting him and he finally came to church! He had a great experience and during sacrament meeting said, pointing to his chest "Wow I have the same feeling here that I did when I came years ago."
I know God is still a God of miracles. He works miracles in our lives everyday. My mission, how much I have changed and grown has been a great miracle.
I love Heavenly Father, and I love serving Him! We are His children and He loves to bless us and provide us with miracles. This week, I challenge you to try to see the miracles in your life!
-Hermana Ries
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